What’s an Instagram Handle? (+4 Ideas to Help Create Your Own)

What's an Instagram Handle? (+4 Ideas to Help Create Your Own)

Did you know Instagram has over 1 billion active users? With so many on the platform, it can be challenging to find one particular person or business. Enter the Instagram handle.

You can think of a handle as the address to your Instagram page. It’s also what people search to find you. An effective handle quickly identifies you while being memorable.

Here, we’ll discuss how to find and change a handle, ideas for creating your own, and whether it deserves a spot on your business card.

What’s an Instagram handle?

An Instagram handle is your username on Instagram. It’s unique to you — meaning no other account can have the same handle.

It’s easy to confuse an Instagram handle with your Instagram name. However, they both serve different functions. The biggest difference is that an Instagram handle is unique — once you choose it, no one else can claim it. An Instagram name, however, can be the same amongst multiple users.

What's an Instagram Handle? (+4 Ideas to Help Create Your Own)

An Instagram handle has several purposes — first, it’s what people use to tag you in photos, videos, and stories. For example, HubSpot’s handle on Instagram is @HubSpot, which users can type to mention the user in posts.

Second, it creates a link to your profile. If you change your handle, the URL to your profile also changes. Keep in mind that when you pick a new handle, you can’t switch back to your old one until 14 days have passed.

What's an Instagram Handle? (+4 Ideas to Help Create Your Own)

How to Find an Instagram Handle

When you sign up for an Instagram account, you will be prompted to create a handle. While you can let your creativity take the wheel, there are some rules you need to follow:

  • Your handle can’t exceed 30 characters
  • It can only contain letters, numbers, and periods
  • It can’t contain symbols or punctuation marks
  • It needs to be unique

The hardest task is the last one — and may take some trial-and-error. To help, we’ve included four Instagram handle ideas to get you started.

Instagram Handle Ideas (+ Examples)

1. Keep it simple.

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