
ButlerElite.com project case study Client Brief The Butler Elite Group started our BnB hosting service a few months before the pandemic struck with the goal of expanding into other metropolitan cities to create a modern upscale hospitality experience that would drive guests to look for us as their 1st choice.   The purposes we need our […]


ConneKC.com project case study Client Brief We provide brand and growth development by creating content/media management services and assist in the creative vision for all startup and active businesses with media marketing budgets. The purposes we need our website to serve: Display launch pages for the upcoming events and partnerships with other Brands/Businesses. Landing pages […]


DJHPBroadcasting.com project case study Client Brief I run an internet radio station broadcasting r&b music and scheduled shows 24/7.  I’m looking to continue with a DIY approach using managed WordPress. Brand Strategy The goal of this redesign is to polish the look, make SEO improvements that include creating and integrating a program calendar, customizing the […]


DJHank.com project case study Client Brief I have 2 websites with domains registered to 2 different locations.  Since I am requesting a website makeover I would also like to manage both businesses in a single location and streamline my cost for running them. I want my website to do more than be a brochure of […]