Best Goal Setting Worksheet to Help You Plan & Achieve

Best Goal Setting Worksheet to Help You Plan & Achieve

Accomplishing your goals is an incredibly gratifying feeling.

However, it can sometimes be challenging to get that feeling, since achieving goals takes time, effort, and a structured process.

This is why it’s important to create plans of action for meeting the goals that will help you stay motivated and ensure you’re on the right path.

In this post, we’ll go over three goal-setting worksheets created by HubSpot to help you outline your goals with the SMART framework and create a plan for achieving them.

The template is broken down into relevant sections to help you through the process, and if you download it, you can follow along throughout the post.

Goal-Setting Template

When it comes to setting a goal, there’s power in writing it down. Research shows that writing aids in retention and recall — and helps to clarify our goals.

This is essential when planning your next week, month, quarter, or year. By keeping a clear goal in mind, you’ll be able to see how far you’ve progressed and stay on track.

However, even when we know what we want to achieve, it can be hard to know where to start. Enter HubSpot’s goal-setting template.

Best Goal Setting Worksheet to Help You Plan & Achieve

In this template, you’ll find a:

  • Goal-setting worksheet
  • Goal-calculation worksheet
  • Goal-evaluation worksheet

Let’s walk through each step in the template — setting a SMART goal, calculating numerical targets to hit, and evaluating any roadblocks standing in your way.

Goal-Setting Steps

1. Identify your initial goal.

The first step of the process is to simply identify what your goal is. It doesn’t have to be convoluted, just merely the objective you’re hoping to achieve. For example, if you’re hoping to grow your website, your baseline goal could be “I want to generate more site traffic.”

2. Define your SMART goals.

The second step in the process is to use the SMART framework to elaborate your goals to ensure that they’re clear, measurable and that the process will help you get there. Here is what each of the element in the acronym stands for:

  • Specific: A specific goal clearly outlines what you’re hoping to improve. If you share your specific goals with your team, it should be clear what your intention is.
  • Measurable: Making your goal measurable means attaching numbers to your objective that will help you understand what you have to meet, track your progress, and see how long it will take you to reach your end goal.
  • Attainable: Making sure that your goals are attainable means that they are realistic and that you have a chance of achieving them. Your goal is not too out of left field or so unrelated to your current practices that you wouldn’t be able to succeed.
  • Relevant: Ensuring that your goal is relevant involves answering the question of “Why are you setting the goal that you’re setting?” Your goal should directly relate to your business’ needs and help your business grow.
  • Time-Bound: The final aspect of your goal-setting process is to set a timeline. It helps you understand what your schedule should be and stay on track in terms of achieving your ultimate goal.

Using the goal-setting worksheet, fill out your initial goal and follow the steps to make it SMART.

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